Innovations - Lallemand Inc. (2024)

From the mid 1970s, Lallemand has stood out as an innovative company. Many of the company’s innovations were resounding commercial successes that influenced, even shaped, the evolution of the yeast market.



Changing the wine industry

In 1978 Lallemand initiated the production and sale of new strains of wine yeast, isolated from different wine regions. These new selected natural wine active dry yeasts opened a new market for the company and contributed to changing the winemaking industry forever.


First in North America to focus in liquid yeast production and development

Successful trials with liquid yeast deliveries were undertaken in 1975, and in 1981 liquid yeast started being introduced commercially in North America, representing today the majority of the North American market


Automatization of production process using custom software

Probably the first group to use a Personal Computer to control a yeast fermentation plant, Lallemand developed a process automation software adapted to Lallemand's production


A previously unseen package size is introduced in the baking sector

A North American pioneer, Lallemand offered fresh bakers yeast in 2 lb (1 kg) blocks wrapped in cellophane, a simple yet well-received innovation, resulting in better productivity and improved shelf life.


Helping winemakers manage malolactic fermentation

Lallemand was the first to bring freeze-dried (lyophilized) malolactic cultures for the production of the famous French high-quality sparkling wine. As a result of the introduction of these wine bacteria starter cultures to the market, sparking wine producers were able to better manage the malolactic fermentation and the full winemaking process.


Adoption of molecular biology identification technology

Lallemand was the first to use DNA fingerprinting technique at an industrial level, testing each, single individual yeast and bacteria strain. From that point forward, no lot would be delivered until the identity of the strain used was confirmed. This methodology ensured our customers and partners are using the exact strain they need to use for their products and processes


Introduction of one of the first probiotic yeast and bacteria aimed at the animal nutrition market.

In 1990 Lallemand brought a new approach to the animal nutrition segment: Levucell® and Bactocell® arrive to the market, true pioneer products in the animal probiotic market. Over the years these solutions gained global acceptance from the market and regulatory bodies, and have been authorized around the globel for various other uses, including food safety application.


Allowing winemakers to properly identify the yeast fermenting their wines

Lallemand, in close collaboration with France's National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), was the first to introduce in the market a marked wine yeast. As a result of this breakthrough, winemakers were able to check the implantation of the wine yeast during the alcoholic fermentation, bringing higher levels of quality in their wines.


First bacteria for forage aerobic stability application

Lallemand was the first company to look into the issue of aerobic stability for silage. In 1996 we made history by introducing to the market a very specific lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus buchneri NCIMB 40788), representing a major advancement for silage preservation and opening a completely new category for natural silage inoculants. Since that point forward Lallemand kept innovating in the field, bringing new strains to further improve silage aerobic stability.


Naturally improving brewing processes

With the introduction ABV Servomyces, the first naturally-enriched single-strain yeast used as a biological yeast nutrient, Lallemand's breakthrough allows brewers around the world (and especially those in Germany, bound by the Reinheitsgebot or "brewing purity law"), to naturally include mineral nutritional elements in their brewing process, without the need of adding salts of any kind


Ensuring probiotics act where they need to

Another first in the market, in the year 2000 Lallemand developed the STAR optimal (Stomach Acid Resistance) process for probiotics in capsules. STAR Optimal is an award-winning enteric-coating technology that protects probiotics against stomach acidity, ensuring a 100% survival, and guaranteeing a 100% release and delivery of live probiotics in the intestine


Helping winemakers create uniquely full-bodied, smooth and color-stable wines.

A first in the market, the year 2000 also saw Lallemand developing its unique MEX (Mannoprotein Extraction) Inactivation Drying process. This process led to OptiRED®, a unique natural inactivated yeast preparation that undergoes a specific refining process, resulting in a high level of polyphenol-reactive yeast cell wall polysaccharides. It is used at the beginning of red wine fermentation process to obtain more color-stable, fuller bodied, smooth-palate wines.


Patented protective technology to optimize survival of probiotics

Lallemand brings a highly innovative solution for the probiotics industry with the development of Probiocap, a patented micro-encapsulation technology. The introduction of this breakthrough allowed for an improved survival of probiotics in stressful conditions such as gastric acidity, compression and heat shock.


Ensuring complete alcoholic fermentation with a new, natural yeast nutrient application

The year 2002 witnessed the development of Go-Ferm®, a protector to optimize yeast rehydration. This inactive yeast is produced through a unique yeast biomass process fine-tuned to obtain high levels of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids required for secure and complete alcoholic fermentation in wine. It is the first time a yeast derivate is added in the yeast rehydration step to avoid sluggish and stuck fermentation.


Expanding winemaker's toolkit of natural solutions to protect must oxidation

Lallemand was the first company bringing a natural, yeast-derivate tool for solving the problem of wine and must oxidation. This glutathione-rich yeast, called OptiWHITE®, is an inactive yeast with high antioxidant properties. The innovative application of this product in white wines is patented.


Falicitating the management of malolactic fermentation in difficult wine matrices

Lallemand brought the first selected natural wine bacteria (LALVIN VP41™) able to perform malolactic fermentation under difficult conditions for white and red wine production, such as low-pH wine or high alcohol content. To ease its use in wineries, this bacteria was produced as freeze-dried powder with Lallemand's specific MBR™ process, which allowed a more efficient bacteria culture inoculation and better resistance to higher acidity environments or to higher alcohol concentration.


Ensuring higher alcohol resistance and a stronger yeast viability in wines with a new yeast protectant

Lallemand was the first to develop a solution capable of protecting wine yeast from overly stressful conditions. Used when rehydrating yeast, this high-sterol and oligoelements protectant (GOFERM PROTECT® ) makes yeast more resistant to ethanol toxicity (high alcohol), osmotic shock (high sugar), higher temperatures, and more. It reinforces yeast viability until fermentation end, decreasing sulphur compounds, limiting sluggish and stuck fermentations, and improving overall wine quality.


Biodiversity exploration: non-conventional yeasts selection

For the first time in the winemaking industry, Lallemand offered wine producers an active non-Saccharomyces yeast strain, Torulaspora delbuckei. Used with a Saccharomyces, this specific winemaking strategy allowed winemakers to obtain more balanced wines, with improved sensory complexity.


New wine yeast production process for new winemaking practices

With the aim of obtaining yeasts better adapted to current winemaking processes, in 2005 Lallemand introduced the proprietary Yeast Security & Optimization (YSEO) process. This new process results in yeasts that optimize the reliability of alcoholic fermentation and reduce the risks of fermentation problems and sensory deviations.


Laying the foundation for the use of liquid yeast in the bioethanol industry

Once again a pioneer in the market, Lallemand was first to develop a patented process and delivery method that increased yeast's shelf life to up to 3 months. This increase paved the way for the acceptance of liquid yeast for fuel ethanol applications, allowing bioethanol producers to enjoy the benefit this delivery method provides.


Introduction of yeast that naturally produces vitamin D

An amazing breakthrough by Lallemand was the introduction and commercialization of yeast that naturally produces vitamin D. In its active dry yeast form, this innovation promotes bread and bakery products as new dietary sources of vitamin D. And when used as inactive yeast for supplementation, it allows for the addition of natural, vegan-friendly vitamin D in diets.


Broadening the horizons for probiotics use under most feed manufacturing conditions

With the development and validation of the patented TITAN® coating technology, Lallemand brings to the market a new way to protect live yeast during the production of pellets for animal feed. By ensuring yeast stability with the TITAN® micro-encapsulation process Lallemand ensures additional animal species are able to obtain the full benefits emerging probiotics feeds.


Introduction of the first probiotic for aquaculture approved in Europe

After a 7-year long process of trials and validation, Lallemand's Bactocell® becomes the first probiotic approved in Europe for its use in aquaculture. This approval came as a result of Lallemand's R&D executed in close partnership with renowned researchers, institutions and leading private companies in the field.


Reducing risk of volatile acidity in wine with an alcohol-tolerant lactobacillus plantarum culture

A first in the market, in 2009 Lallemand brought an alcohol-tolerant Lactobacillus plantarum for winemaking. This groundbreaking bacteria was able to do malolactic fermentation during vinification process, directly over wine instead of over grape must. Winemakers used this bacteria to co-inoculate during acoholic fermentation or immediately after yeast was applied, ultimately saving time, enjoying an easier process, and reducing the risk of an increased volatile acidity (a defect in wine)


Cerebiome®: pioneering psychobiotic, game-changing science

In 2010, Lallemand demonstrated for the first time ever that a specific probiotic formula, Cerebiome®, had a positive impact on psychological stress in healthy individuals. This pivotal study paved the way for a brand new field of research on the Brain-Gut Axis. With now 5 clinical studies, Cerebiome® is the most documented psychobiotic in the world.


A groundbreaking natural antifungal and antibacterial

In 2011 Lallemand brought a groundbreaking biological antifungal solution for winemaking, called "NO BRETT INSIDE". This product allowed to greatly reduce the levels of the Brettanomyces in a completely natural way. Brettanomyces is responsible of the emergence of ethylphenol compounds, causing wine defects and to express a "barnyard-like" aroma. Before the introduction of this solution, wine producers were forced to use high level of chemical sulfites (SO2) to achieve similar results.


Delivering higher yields in bioethanol production

By introducing TransFerm (the world's first bioengineered yeast for fuel ethanol) and its subsequent iteration TransFerm Yield+, Lallemand brought a revolutionary solution for the bioethanol industry. This yeast platform was designed to first express glucoamylase and subsequently increase yield by changing the glycerol pathway, producing less glycerol and more ethanol. The product line is currently in its 4th iteration, with improvements in yield increase, robustness and GA expression.


Launch of specialty organic yeast extract

In 2013 Lallemand became the first company to to achieve considerably high level of nucleotides in organic yeast extract. These high nucleotides amount makes Lallemand's organic yeast extract an extremely efficient aid in flavor development and enhancement.


Allowing winemakers to naturally obtain low SO2, low acetaldehyde and low sulfure compounds

Lallemand introduced a series of wine yeasts that allowed winemakers to simultaneously reduce sulfites, acetaldehyde and sulfure compounds. For the first time in winemaking, these highly innovative yeasts reduced these 3 compounds at the same time, independently of the fermentation and nutrition conditions. The first wine yeast of this series was Lalvin ICV Okay.


A natural solution for the protection of wine against oxidation

Developed in conjunction with INRA, in 2015 Lallemand introduced a fully-natural, biological solution for the protection of wine against oxidation. By scavenging oxygen within finished wine, this natural product (marketed as "PURE-LEES LONGEVITY") prevents oxidation, presenting itself as an excellent tool to limit the use of sulfite-based chemical oxidation protectors. Among others, its many applications include facilitating wine transport, and aging and storage in the cellar.


Optimizing nutrition and protection for malolactic bacteria in red wines

Following the discovery that tannins and polyphenols can inhibit bacteria responsible for malolactic fermentation in red wines, in 2016 Lallemand was the first to introduce a specific bacteria nutrient, called "ML RED BOOST", which reduces the conditions that inhibit bacteria from executing proper malolactic fermentation. With this, Lallemand gave winemakers a natural solution for solving stuck malolactic fermentation in red wines with high polyphenol contents.


First formulated multi-strain yeast fractions product

Why limit to a single strain, when the synergy of multiple strains could be leveraged? This simple (yet incredibly difficult to answer) question is behind Lallemand's YANG concept: a multi-strain, yeast-based product aimed to increasing animal health. Lallemand was the first in the market to present such product, which integrates non-Saccharomyces yeasts in it, creating a trend for years to come.


Bigger bioethanol yields through multiple yeast generations

Another result of Lallemand's bioengineering prowess, in 2016 Lallemand introduced SucraMax. This bioengineered yeast reduces the amount of glycerol produced in fermentation, and is extremely resistant to stress factors. This capability makes is suitable for recycling and reuse, delivering high yealds generation after generation.


Easing winemaker's life, one tablet at a time

The effective application of selected bacteria for malolactic fermentation in barrels requires some time-consuming steps. For facilitating winemakers' lives, Lallemand was the first company to introduce in 2016 selected strain of wine bacteria for malolactic fermentation in a tablet form. This product MALOTABS™ allowed for an easy and simple inoculation within barrels, ensuring a complete, hom*ogeneous, and fast bacterial dissolution and dispersion throughout the entire barrel's volume.


Helping brewers to easily, safely, and consistently brew sour beers

Lallemand introduces WildBrew Sour Pitch™, the first commercially available, freeze-dried, 100% pure Lactobacillus plantarum. It is a ready-to-use, high-performance, and high-purity lactic acid bacteria specifically selected for its ability to produce a wide range of sour beer styles.


Applying biofungicide by using bumblebees

The use bumblebees as pollinizating agents, called entomovectoring, is a common practice in agriculture. A great opportunity for Lallemand's natural, safe and free of toxicity biofungicides, in 2017, PRESTOP4B was introduced to the market. Safe for bumblebees and humans, PRESTOP4B is caught in the legs of bumblebees as they exit their hive, and is thoroughly applied by them as they make their way from flower to flower, providing an optimal natural protection against grey mould.


Expanding the horizons in the brewing industry

For the first time in the brewing industry, Lallemand launched in 2018 the first bioengineered yeast commercially available for brewers. This new yeast, called Mascoma Sourvisiae®, is a bioengineered ale yeast strain capable of producing lactic acid during fermentation. It provides brewers with an easy, reproducible, and mono-culture product for sour-style beer production.


Support immune health by delivering micronutrients as natural supplement in a versatile food product

2019 saw Lallemand bringing to the market the first nutritional yeast flakes containing the antioxidant glutathione, beta-glucans, and selenium in a product called Engevita® Detox Flakes. These ingredients support health and natural immunity in a unique way, as they deliver these important micronutrients in a versatile whole food form, which can be consumed directly or added to foods as a natural supplement, instead of in tablet or capsule form.


Joining scandinavian brewing tradition with dry yeast advantage

This year saw the launch of LalBrew® Voss yeast, a Kviek strain available in dry form. For the first time this strain, a crucial part in Norwegian brewing tradition, is available globally so that brewers around the world can brew various beer styles reliably at high temperature without off-flavors.


Allowing for a naturally complete healthy diet for cattle

Lallemand is the first in the market to provide a non-toxic solution to produce selenium-enriched plants. This product, LALBIOME TECHNO, gives forage producers to growing plants with high selenium content, which in turn is used as cattle feed to ensure healthy animals. By providing this natural solution, producers are able to shift away from the more toxic option of using selenium salts to obtain the same result.


Producing sour beers with yeast

In 2020 Lallemand introduced its first non-Saccharomyces dry yeast, capable of producing simultaneously lactic acid and ethanol. This new product, called WildBrew Philly Sour™, is a brand new species of Lachancea, and allows brewers to create various styles of sour beers without the need of adding bacteria in their breweries


Dramatically reducing food waste

Lallemand's revolutionary solution for reducing waste comes as a natural fungus post-harvest treatment for stone fruits. Chemical post-harvest treatments are banned in many countries due to their toxicity risks. Lallemand's natural solution, called LALFRESH S, is the first fungicide for stone fruits authorized for application after fruit is harvested, ultimately reducing fruit waste up to 50% a fortnight after treatment

Innovations - Lallemand Inc. (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.