Partial Derivatives | Calculus III (2024)

Learning Outcomes

  • Calculate the partial derivatives of a function of two variables.
  • Calculate the partial derivatives of a function of more than two variables.

Derivatives of a Function of Two Variables

When studying derivatives of functions of one variable, we found that one interpretation of the derivative is an instantaneous rate of change of [latex]y[/latex] as a function of [latex]x[/latex]. Leibniz notation for the derivative is [latex]dy/dx[/latex], which implies that [latex]y[/latex] is the dependent variable and [latex]x[/latex] is the independent variable. For a function [latex]z=f\,(x,\ y)[/latex] of two variables, [latex]x[/latex] and [latex]y[/latex] are the independent variables and [latex]z[/latex] is the dependent variable. This raises two questions right away: How do we adaptLeibniz notation for functions of two variables? Also, what is an interpretation of the derivative? The answer lies in partial derivatives.


Let [latex]f\,(x,\ y)[/latex] be a function fo two variables. Then thepartial derivative of [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]x[/latex], written as [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex], or [latex]f_x[/latex], is defined as

[latex]\large{\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=\lim_{h\to{0}}\frac{f\,(x+h,\ y)-f\,(x,\ y)}{h}}[/latex].

The partial derivative of [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]y[/latex], written as [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex], or [latex]f_y[/latex], is defined as

[latex]\large{\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}=\lim_{k\to{0}}\frac{f\,(x,\ y+k)-f\,(x,\ y)}{k}}[/latex].

This definition shows two differences already. First, the notation changes, in the sense that we still use a version of Leibniz notation, but the [latex]d[/latex] in the original notation is replaced with the symbol [latex]\partial[/latex]. (This rounded “[latex]d[/latex]” is usually called “partial,” so [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] is spoken as the “partial of [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]x[/latex].”)This is the first hint that we are dealing with partial derivatives. Second, we now have two different derivatives we can take, since there are two different independent variables. Depending on which variable we choose, we can come up with different partial derivatives altogether, and often do.

Example: Calculating Partial Derivatives from the Definition

Use the definition of the partial derivative as a limit to calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] and [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] for the function

[latex]f\,(x,\ y)=x^{2}-3xy+2y^{2}-4x+5y-12[/latex].

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Use the definition of the partial derivative as a limit to calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] and [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] for the function

[latex]f\,(x,\ y)=4x^{2}+2xy-y^{2}+3x-2y+5.[/latex]

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The idea to keep in mind when calculating partial derivatives is to treat all independent variables, other than the variable with respect to which we are differentiating, as constants. Then proceed to differentiate as with a function of a single variable. To see why this is true, first fix [latex]y[/latex] and define [latex]g\,(x)=f\,(x,\ y)[/latex] as a function of [latex]x[/latex]. Then

[latex]g'\,(x)=\displaystyle\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{g\,(x+h)-g\,(x)}{h}=\displaystyle\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f\,(x+h,\ y)-f\,(x,\ y)}{h}=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}.[/latex]

The same is true for calculating the partial derivative of [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]y[/latex]. This time, fix [latex]x[/latex] and define [latex]h\,(y)=f\,(x,\ y)[/latex] as a function of [latex]y.[/latex] Then

[latex]h'\,(x)=\displaystyle\lim_{k\to 0}\frac{h\,(x+h)-h\,(x)}{k}=\displaystyle\lim_{k\to 0}\frac{f\,(x,\ y+k)-f\,(x,\ y)}{k}=\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}.[/latex]

All differentiation rules from the Introduction to Derivatives apply.

Example: Calculating Partial Derivatives

Calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] and [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] for the following functions by holding the opposite variable constant then differentiating:

  1. [latex]f\,(x,\ y)=x^{2}-3xy+2y^{2}-4x+5y-12[/latex].
  2. [latex]g\,(x,\ y)=\sin{(x^{2}y-2x+4)}[/latex]

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Calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] and [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] for the function [latex]f\,(x,\ y)=\tan{(x^{3}-3x^{2}y^{2}+2y^{4})}[/latex] by holding the opposite variable constant, then differentiating.

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You can view the transcript for “CP 4.13” here (opens in new window).

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How can we interpret these partial derivatives? Recall that the graph of a function of two variables is a surface in [latex]\mathbb{R}^{3}[/latex]. If we remove the limit from the definition of the partial derivative with respect to [latex]x[/latex], the difference quotient remains:

[latex]\LARGE{\frac{f\,(x+h,\ y)-f\,(x,\ y)}{h}}[/latex].

This resembles the difference quotient for the derivative of a function of one variable, except for the presence of the [latex]y[/latex] variable.variable. Figure 1 illustrates a surface described by an arbitrary function [latex]z=f\,(x,\ y)[/latex].

Partial Derivatives | Calculus III (1)

Figure 1.Secant line passing through the points [latex]\small{(x,y,f(x,y))}[/latex] and[latex]\small{(x+h,y,f(x+h,y))}[/latex].

In Figure 1, the value of [latex]h[/latex] is positive. If we graph [latex]f\,(x,\ y)[/latex] and [latex]f\,(x+h,\ y)[/latex] for an arbitrary point [latex](x,\ y)[/latex], then the slope of the secant line passing through these two points is given by

[latex]\LARGE{\frac{f\,(x+h,\ y)-f\,(x,\ y)}{h}}[/latex].

This line is parallel to the [latex]x[/latex]-axis. Therefore, the slope of the secant line represents an average rate of change of the function [latex]f[/latex] as we travel parallel to the [latex]x[/latex]-axis. As [latex]h[/latex] approaches zero, the slope of the secant line approaches the slope of the tangent line.

If we chose to change [latex]y[/latex] instead of [latex]x[/latex] by the same incremental value [latex]h[/latex], then the secant line is parallel to the [latex]y[/latex]-axisw and so is the tangent line. Therefore, [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] represents the slope of the tangent line passing through the point [latex](x,\ y,\ f\,(x,\ y))[/latex] parallel to the [latex]x[/latex]-axis and [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] represents the slope of the tangent line passing through the point[latex](x,\ y,\ f\,(x,\ y))[/latex] parallel to the [latex]y[/latex]-axis. If we wish to find the slope of a tangent line passing through the same point in any other direction, then we need what are calleddirectional derivatives, which we discuss in Directional Derivatives and the Gradient.

We now return to the idea of contour maps, which we introduced in Functions of Several Variables. We can use a contour map to estimate partial derivatives of a function [latex]g\,(x,\ y)[/latex].

Example: Partial DErivatives from a Contour Map

Use a contour map to estimate [latex]\partial g/\partial x[/latex] at the point [latex](\sqrt{5},\ 0)[/latex] for the function

[latex]g\,(x,\ y)=\sqrt{9-x^{2}-y^{2}}[/latex].

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Use a contour map to estimate [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] at point [latex](0,\ \sqrt{2})[/latex] for the function

[latex]f\,(x,\ y)=x^{2}-y^{2}[/latex].

Compare this with the exact answer.

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Functions of More Than Two Variables

Suppose we have a function of three variables, such as [latex]w=f\,(x,\ y,\ z)[/latex]. We can calculate partial derivatives of [latex]w[/latex] with respect to any of the independent variables, simply as extensions of the definitions for partial derivatives of functions of two variables.


Let [latex]f\,(x,\ y,\ z)[/latex] be a function of three variables. Then, thepartial derivative of [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]x[/latex], written as [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex], or [latex]f_x[/latex], is defined to be

[latex]\large{\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=\displaystyle\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f\,(x+h,\ y,\ z)-f\,(x,\ y,\ z)}{h}}[/latex].

Thepartial derivative of [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]y[/latex], written as [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex], or [latex]f_y[/latex], is defined to be

[latex]\large{\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}=\displaystyle\lim_{k\to 0}\frac{f\,(x,\ y+k,\ z)-f\,(x,\ y,\ z)}{k}}[/latex].

Thepartial derivativeof [latex]f[/latex] with respect to [latex]z[/latex], written as [latex]\partial f/\partial z[/latex], or [latex]f_z[/latex], is defined to be

[latex]\large{\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}=\displaystyle\lim_{m\to 0}\frac{f\,(x,\ y,\ z+m)-f\,(x,\ y,\ z)}{m}}[/latex].

We can calculate a partial derivative of a function of three variables using the same idea we used for a function of two variables. Fore example, if we have a function [latex]f[/latex] of [latex]x,\ y[/latex], and [latex]z[/latex], and we wish to calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex], then we create the other two independent variables as if they are constants, then differentiate with respect to [latex]x[/latex].

Example: Calculating partial derivatives for a Function of Three Variables

Use the limit definition of partial derivatives to calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] for the function

[latex]\large{f\,(x,\ y,\ z)=x^{2}-3xy+2y^{2}-4xz+5yz^{2}-12x+4y-3z}[/latex].

Then, find [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] and [latex]\partial f/\partial z[/latex] by setting the other two variables constant and differentiating accordingly.

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Use the limit definition of partial derivatives to calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x[/latex] for the function

[latex]f\,(x,\ y,\ z)=2x^{2}-4x^{2}+2y^{2}+5xz^{2}-6x+3z-8[/latex].

Then, find [latex]\partial f/\partial y[/latex] and [latex]\partial f/\partial z[/latex] by setting the other two variables constant and differentiating accordingly.

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Example: Calculating Partial Derivatives for a Function of Three Variables

Calculate the three partial derivatives of the following functions.

  1. [latex]f\,(x,\ y,\ z)=\frac{x^{2}y-4xz+y^{2}}{x-3yz}[/latex]
  2. [latex]g\,(x,\ y,\ z)=\sin{(x^{2}y-z)}+\cos{(x^{2}-yz)}[/latex]

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Calculate [latex]\partial f/\partial x,\ \partial f/\partial y[/latex], and [latex]\partial f/\partial z[/latex] for the function [latex]f\,(x,\ y,\ z)=\sec{(x^{2}y)}-\tan{(x^{3}yz^{2}})[/latex].

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Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It

You can view the transcript for “CP 4.16” here (opens in new window).
Partial Derivatives | Calculus III (2024)


How to find third order partial derivatives? ›

For instance, the third order partial derivative with respect to x is given by: ∂ 3 ∂ x 3 . Note the number 3 in the numerator and denominator to signify the third order.

What is the partial derivative of three variables? ›

Partial Derivatives and Functions of Three Variables

Let w=f(x,y,z) be a continuous function on an open set S in R3. The partial derivative of f with respect to x is: fx(x,y,z)=limh→0f(x+h,y,z)−f(x,y,z)h.

What level of math is partial derivatives? ›

In mathematics, a partial derivative of a function of several variables is its derivative with respect to one of those variables, with the others held constant (as opposed to the total derivative, in which all variables are allowed to vary). Partial derivatives are used in vector calculus and differential geometry.

What is ∂ called? ›

The partial derivative is denoted by the symbol ∂ , which replaces the roman letter d used to denote a full derivative.

What is third-order derivative? ›

In calculus, a branch of mathematics, the third derivative or third-order derivative is the rate at which the second derivative, or the rate of change of the rate of change, is changing. The third derivative of a function can be denoted by. Other notations can be used, but the above are the most common.


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